A Message from Founder and Creator, Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
The History of Flower Essences
The powerful intelligence of nature
Since time immemorial, healers and ancient wisdom keepers have been aware of the powerful intelligence that is embedded in nature.
The Australian Aboriginals have always known the secrets of how to use flowers, water and sunlight to facilitate holistic wellbeing. As did the ancient Egyptians and Native Americans. They followed very specific processes and protocols when collecting dew from flowers, and there has been a tradition of using the energies of plants in the form of vibrational medicine in India, Asia, Europe and South America.
Hildegard Von Bingen in the 12th century and Paracelsus in the 15th century wrote about how they collected dew from flowering plants to address health imbalances and assist with natural healing and Dr Edward Bach, the pioneer of modern-day flower essences, re-popularised flower essences when he developed the range of 38 Bach remedies in the 1930’s
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® were created by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber with native New Zealand flowers, ferns, trees, seeds and plants, in full co-operation with the plant kingdom especially for these times. They support us to meet the unique challenges of the 21st Century.
What Flower Essences are and how they work
Flower essences are plant vibrations, plant energy, held in water
Over many years of working with plants from all over the world Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber discovered that New Zealand native plants had vibrational blueprints that were unique and could not be found anywhere else on the planet.
These vibrational blueprints can be accessed when the plants are worked with in a particular way. In the making of the native New Zealand flower essences, the highly developed state of consciousness of the maker and the process of conscious cooperation between the maker and the plant kingdom has ensured that each plant has released its full vibrational healing potential and is then transferred to a person who takes the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®.
As a result of this proprietary process a totally unique energetically potent range of 185 flower essences was created with 100% natural preparations that work holistically to help bring all aspects of the being into alignment.
Pristine Ancient Flora of New Zealand
Tap into 400 Million Years of Evolution
New Zealand is recognised by science as being a biodiversity ‘hotspot’. Aotearoa known as New Zealand, split away from the southern continent of Gondwanaland about 120 million years ago, and became a unique isolated oasis. New Zealand’s pristine flora has evolved in isolation for millions of years producing plants with unique vibrational blueprints not available anywhere else in the world. These vibrational blueprints are encoded in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®.
“The universal vibrational medicine system that is First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® is based on the premise that the holistic human organism can be likened to a musical instrument. Like all musical instruments it needs to be kept perfectly tuned.”
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, Founder and Creator
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“From the outside looking in, New Zealand is a piece of precious green jewel floating in the enormity of the Pacific Ocean.”
Dr David Bellamy
Completely unique and extraordinary eco-system
Because of New Zealand’s isolation it has developed its own completely unique eco-system of native flora with unique and extraordinary characteristics and vibrational blueprints not available anywhere else in the world.
Some species of trees growing in New Zealand have an unbroken ancestry stretching back into prehistory for over 190 million years and an extraordinary array of ferns from the mountain heights down to the seashores. With up to 500 million years of evolution behind them, these ancient plants, trees and ferns are uniquely placed to offer remarkable beneficial energies when made into First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®.
The pristine light of each new dawn falls first on the sacred land of New Zealand, the land of the ever shining light. In this land of New Zealand, a land of breathtaking beauty grow the remarkable collection of flowers, ferns, trees, seeds and plants that have the power to change the world and restore harmony on Earth.

The Story of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®
A call and response for humanity
At the dawn of the new millennium in July 1999 when the ancient people traditionally celebrated the New Year, a call was sent out by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber at a special ceremony conducted to officially welcome the Aquarian Age, ‘The Age of Cherishing Waters’.
The call asked the gods and goddesses, the nature power of New Zealand to provide the people of the world, the world community, with the healing necessary for the unprecedented holistic and spiritual challenges and difficulties to be faced by them and the planet in the 21st century.
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® came into being
In the ancient shamanic tradition of call and response, the call first must be sent out and the answer must then be clearly received.
As the first light of a new millennium appeared on the eastern horizon, the powerful spiritual forces of Aotearoa answered this call and First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® formally entered into the world.
With the help of the ancient Earth guardians and in total cooperation with nature, the range of 185 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® were created from unique native flowers and plants of New Zealand.
Made in accordance with ancient processes and protocols, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® have a unique energetic potency. They are a sacred treasure and a pure living embodiment of the sacred plant medicine of New Zealand.
The World’s First Universal Vibrational Medicine System
There are 185 essences in the First Light® flower essences range representing the world’s first totally integrated and comprehensive natural non-intrusive holistic therapy system that works with the power of nature and the quantum world of vibrational medicine.
Together they provide total holistic support for all aspects of the human makeup, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are a powerful yet gentle means of self-transformation to support holistic wellbeing and personal growth, and to gently restore balance and harmony.
The first light that shines on the ancient forests of New Zealand is now shining on every continent around the world, and in every corner of the Earth. This light grows brighter every day.
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® provide access to Certificate and Diploma courses in New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy.

New Zealand Health Industry Distinguished Service Award 2008
Pioneering New Zealand native flower essences for holistic healing Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, the founding director and creator of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® has been awarded the New Zealand Health and Industry Distinguished Service Research and Development Award for ‘pioneering, developing and establishing of New Zealand native flower essences for holistic healing’.
This award was in recognition for over 30 years of working with the New Zealand native essences, their uniqueness and relevance to the holistic health challenges faced by humanity in the 21st century.
New Zealand Business Awards 2017
Excellence in holistic natural health products
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, the Founder of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® received an award for Excellence in Holistic Natural Health Products in the New Zealand Business Awards 2017. Click here to read the feature in the Apac Insider Magazine.
The New Zealand Business Awards have been designed to celebrate innovative thinkers and cast a light on the dedication shown and achievements made by businesses.
First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are a sacred treasure and a pure living embodiment of the sacred plant medicine of New Zealand”
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, Founder and Creator