Explore a treasure trove of insights, inspiration, and practical advice on holistic healing and personal growth with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®
Flower essences are making waves in the world of natural wellness and are gaining more and more recognition. Not just amongst ‘new agers’ but among holistic practitioners and in mainstream wellness and beauty circles. They’ve been recommended by lifestyle platform, Goop and featured in Vogue. They are increasingly sought after for their energetic and emotional […]
Read MoreHave you ever felt trapped by fear or weighed down by or your own negative self-talk? Ever noticed the same limiting patterns holding you back? What if the key to breaking free was deep inside of you – at the level of your DNA… At a metaphysical level, DNA is the basis for all relatedness, […]
Read MoreFor centuries people have followed an inner calling and discovered wonderful ways to connect with the wisdom of the earth. They have stepped into forests, and been guided to gather flowers and plants. They created natural remedies and plant medicines for body, mind and soul, and brought balance and holistic wellbeing to themselves, their […]
Read MoreIf you are new to flower essences, you might wonder: How will I know when they are actually working? Or perhaps you’re curious about what others experience when they use them. Every journey with flower essences is unique, but one thing is certain: they work in subtle yet profound ways. At first you may notice […]
Read MoreFirst Light® No 2 Native Flax – The Enthusiasm Essence. Are you feeling impatient, irritable or on edge? Finding yourself flaring up easily or reacting to things that you usually brush off? Perhaps you’ve taken on too much, exhausted but unable to slow down… Or does your energy feel scattered, your inner spark dimmed… What […]
Read MoreToday is a perfect day to share some light… For a limited time only, we are giving away some ‘Joy’ and a little ‘Hope’ for you to enjoy with your next order.* So if you wish you could feel more optimistic or you’d like to tap into some hope, inspiration and luck – you can […]
Read MoreLast week we heard from a young woman who shared that her heightened sensitivity made being in busy places, and around other people, really draining and stressful. She found herself feeling so anxious about going out that she often chose to stay home instead, feeling safer and more at peace in her own space. If […]
Read MoreTop take aways from our recent Peri/Menopause Webinar Real Talk. Real Strategies. Real Life In a Nutshell: 5 Simple Strategies, Your Top Take Aways to Feeling Your Best Self: 🧡 #1 Movement: Get Slow and Strong: Movement is medicine. When you exercise and your muscles contract, they secrete protein-like hormones called myokines – scientists call them […]
Read MoreFirst Light® No 79 Fragrant Fern – The Hope Essence. This native New Zealand plant essence supports deep levels of holistic healing. It helps us to remember that we are never alone, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. When life feels difficult or ‘dark’ this essence reminds us that anything […]
Read MoreOur wonderful First Light® tutor Patricia Stowell (left) has flown down Dunedin to meet Sarah, the practice manager at Taste Nature Organic Supermarket with some donated blends of First Light®Disaster Relief Support© – so you can grab yours for a koha at their dispensary on 131 High Street. 💚 Help to move beyond Trauma: This […]
Read MoreWe are working on more ways to help people and animals in need with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®.Stay tuned for an update on how you can join us. As thousands of New Zealanders are struggling to recover and get back ‘on their feet’ after the devastation caused by floods and the Cyclone Gabrielle, many of our practitioners are making up First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® […]
Read MoreWe have donated 100 x 10ml stock bottles (valued $3300) to enable 7000 x 25ml Crisis Support© blends to be created for people and animals in distress In the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle amidst the devastation that affected many parts of New Zealand, it has been inspirational to see selfless members of our community helping people and […]
Read MoreWhat an amazing few weeks it has been for young equestrian sisters, Gaia Aplin (18 years old) and Shanti Aplin (15 years old), who have so far made up and handed out just over 2000 Crisis Support© blends to help people and animals in distress after Cyclone Gabrielle wreaked havoc throughout New Zealand this year on […]
Read MoreWe are Donating 100 x 10ml stock bottles of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Crisis Support© to our Global Community As an unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic sweeps through communities worldwide, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® are donating 100 x 10ml stock combination essence bottles of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Crisis Support©, […]
Read MoreAs the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions eased and we considered venturing back into our communities and workplaces, some people were feeling uncertain, stressed, anxious or overwhelmed. Nature is always at hand to help in the most practical of ways – and we asked some valued members of our First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® community to […]
Read MoreWe are noticing that there is a powerful shift in the world with more and more people making conscious choices towards holistic and natural ways of living. It is evident that the opportunity to assist those who are seeking natural ways for self-healing and holistic wellbeing has never been greater. Revolutionary Holistic System First Light […]
Read MoreThe full significance of knowing how to access the vast wisdom of Mother Nature has traditionally been understood in all cultures and healing traditions from time immemorial. Throughout the ages, humanity has looked to nature to facilitate healing by having recourse to Mother Nature, our guide and teacher. The sacred healing methods and resources that […]
Read More“We only begin to heal when we address our initial wounding and its associated pain and trauma. This trauma can result from a single event or from repeated experiences of abuse or deprivation.” – Anthony Wyber After the initial shock, the energetic imprints of trauma can linger at an unconscious cellular level for a very long […]
Read MoreAotearoa, New Zealand is a very special country for many reasons one of which is the sheer variety and proliferation of ferns that are endemic to this land. As a distinct feature of the landscape of New Zealand, ferns can be found growing on the highest mountain peaks right down to where the land meets the […]
Read MoreDid you know that the impact of all types of trauma is stored in your aura? If you have ever experienced a shock, an accident (even a minor one), a bereavement, sudden change in circumstances, given birth, had dental or other surgery or had a ‘close call’ that gave you a fright, among a myriad […]
Read MoreAs somebody supporting others on their holistic healing journey – or traversing your own – you may have noticed how some people seem to be doing all the ‘right things’ to help themselves and yet they struggle to make a real break-through. …they tend to come up against the same old obstacles time and time […]
Read MoreWith so much happening in the world right now, you may be feeling fearful. It is true to say that collectively humanity is experiencing significant and unprecedented challenges and it is easy to get swept into the negativity, chaos and fear that we are constantly confronted with in others and by the media. We have […]
Read MoreThere are many paths that lead a person to discovering First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®. Sometimes it is through trying the very first personalised blend made by a friend or a practitioner, sometimes it is a synchronistic find on Google search or a serendipitous encounter on social media. Today I am sharing a powerful […]
Read MoreWe recently received a question from a young mum who is facing a difficult situation financially. We know that there are probably other people and families who are facing similar issues so with permission we are sharing this question and the answer we gave in this email with you. “I feel so traumatised with what is […]
Read MoreIt is my experience that we each have a unique light that we have come to shine out into the world in our own special way. The photos above are of our team of wonderful First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® tutors who are teaching First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® workshops in New […]
Read MoreHave you ever wondered what the differences are between different natural healing modalities such as essential oils, psychic healing, supplements, herbs and flower essences – and what their healing capabilities actually are? With so many choices on offer it can be really overwhelming to know what the right solution for you and your family is, when you are looking for support […]
Read MoreToday I am sharing an inspiring story from Maria Gerathy, a First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practitioner and tutor in Sydney, Australia, who is a mother of 4 and has been using flower essences with her family and with her clients for over 25 years. People come to First Light Flower Essences […]
Read MoreIt always fascinates me to hear stories about how people find their way to First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®. My book The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa Vol 1 was first published in 2009 and thousands of copies have been sold to people around the world. Over the 12 years since it was published, […]
Read MoreFacts: Significant flooding occurred in many areas of Queensland during late December 2010 and early January 2011, with three quarters of the state declared a disaster zone. Contacts and Collection Points: Brisbane Julie Hannah First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered practitioner Email [email protected]
Read MoreFacts: A magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand at 4.35am, 4th September 2010. In the six weeks following over 1500 aftershocks, many of them violent and up to magnitude 5.0, continued to traumatise the people of Canterbury. A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand just before 1pm, 22 February 2011. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® […]
Read MoreFacts: An explosion takes place at the Pike River coalmine near Greymouth, on 19th November 2010 at 3.45pm trapping 29 miners underground. A second explosion on the 24th November occurs at the mine and it was publically announced that none of the 29 trapped miners could have survived. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® immediately donates 1000 ready […]
Read MoreFacts: A magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck off the coast of Japan on 11th March 2011, triggering a series of tsunami. Concerns around impact on unstable nuclear plants. Contacts and Collection Points for First Light® Disaster Support© and Crisis Support©: Minako Hama First Light Flower Essence of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner and Tutor 2-12-3 Omorinaka Ota-ku,Tokyo, Japan Ph: +81-(0)3 […]
Read MoreA magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Wellington, New Zealand at 5.10pm, 21st July 2013. Another magnitude 6.6 earthquake was confirmed on Friday, 16th August 2013 at 2.31pm centred just off Seddon at the top of the South Island. A specially formulated First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Disaster Relief© – Quake Mix flower essence blend is available in exchange […]
Read MoreFirst Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® is built on the foundational principle that nature is and has always been the greatest healer and teacher. Nature teaches us that everything is interconnected, inter-related and an integral part of the great pattern or web of life. At First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® we see this web […]
Read MorePHOTO: (left to right) Anna Gentry (tutor), Shanti Aplin (15 years old), Faline Davis (16 years old) and Gaia Aplin (18 Years old) at the First Light® Plants – Life Enhancement workshop in Tutukaka coast, New Zealand, May 2023 We loved seeing Faline, Tallulah, Shanti, Gaia and Selena attending recent First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® workshops and […]
Read MoreAs we journey further into the 21st century and the Aquarian Age, an informed groundswell of people is arising and we are, consciously choosing to actively participate in our own healing journeys. Many of us are choosing to work with nature-based healing modalities but… With so many options and products available out there, it is […]
Read MoreThere are some things that you may not know about the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Online School. One feature that our students tell us they really love is the “Ask Franchelle” Section where they can submit their study related questions and any questions they have about flower essences and holistic healing directly to […]
Read More“All living creatures have their own medicine messages to share with those that are willing to learn their language.” Native American First Nation medicine woman and author Jamie Sams Since time immemorial highly skilled healers and ancient wisdom keepers throughout the world have been aware of the powerful and extraordinary intelligence that is imbedded in […]
Read MoreA divine love-filled treat that is easy to make and melt-in-the-mouth delectable. Includes a special combination of flower essences to support heart-based connections and the light of true love. Cream together: Then add 1 cup chopped nuts and/or dried fruit. (We used pistachio nuts, crystallised ginger and dried apricots, finely chopped.) 4 drops each of […]
Read MoreAncient wisdom keepers Since time immemorial healers and ancient wisdom keepers throughout the world have been aware of the powerful and extraordinary intelligence that is embedded in nature. Throughout all cultures, indigenous people have understood their connection to nature and to the web of oneness or the unity of all life. They have traditionally worked […]
Read MoreHealers, medicine men and women and wisdom-keepers of old saw a direct connection between the state of illness or dis-ease in a person and the condition of the human spirit. They fully understood the interconnection of the human spirit and the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the being. They understood that all true […]
Read MoreNew Zealand has long been recognised for its unique flora and pristine energy. New Zealand’s native flora is some of the most ancient on the planet and it has some of the oldest forests on Earth. My journey of working with New Zealand native plants has been a magical one of loving intelligent cooperation with the plant […]
Read MoreFlower essences are becoming more and more popular and whilst you may be seeing incredible results from working with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®, there may be some very unique aspects to the way that this sacred plant ‘medicine’ is made and how it actually works, that you may not know about… Made […]
Read MoreA growing number of mental health professionals are calling the pandemic a collective trauma. A mass or collective trauma takes place when the same event or chain of events traumatises many people within the same period of time. In many ways, COVID-19 and events associated with it have presented some of the biggest challenges […]
Read MoreFirst Light® No 10 Starry Hibiscus Deva’s Blessing “I bring the gift of tenderness and inner sustenance. Through me you find the inner ocean of the cherishing light where there are no tides – only a serenity and calmness that knows no ebb.” Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, Founder and Creator Starry Hibiscus is now not so common in […]
Read MoreFirst Light® No 23 Lacebark Deva’s Blessing “I bring the gift of fearlessness. Captain of your Soul – rightfully steering your vessel through the tempest of life. Through me you are steady, rising above the waves of excess – brought safely back to shore.” Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, Founder and Creator Lacebark is a fast growing shrub […]
Read MoreFirst Light® No 84 Kawakawa Deva’s Blessing I offer you the mantle of faith. Through me you reach for the impossible – believing in your zenith. Knowing no limitation, a Child of Light a Master of All.” Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, Founder and Creator Kawakawa is a well-known New Zealand native plant that has large shiny aromatic […]
Read MoreFirst Light® No 12 Native Harebell Deva’s Blessing “I bring the gift of emotional tenacity with its powerful eddies and swirls. Through me you experience the powerful pull and complexity of feelings but are reborn in the caressing waters of love.” Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, Founder and Creator Native Harebell is a small creeping alpine herb whose flowers […]
Read MoreWelcome! We are so glad you are here. How can we support you on your journey of holistic healing and personal growth?