First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner
I enrolled in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® because I wanted to extend my knowledge of flower essences specific to the New Zealand native plants and the unique vibrations they carry. The knowledge and the healing journey that has taken place within myself and my family has been life changing more than I could ever have imagined.
My wish is for my clients to know their own unique authenticity, their inner beauty and to find the personal courage to honor and value the limitless potential of their wondrous ‘self’. The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® is a tool to true holistic wellbeing. It is not surface level but multi-faceted, encouraging a deeper understanding of life and being in touch with all aspects of our holistic make up. Ultimately resulting in re-connection to ourselves, and how to be happy and holistically healthy.
It is a joy to bring such supportive holistic healing tools to the community. When working with the flower essences we have the tools and the know-how to support amazing growth and holistic healing to build a better ‘us’. Moving away from surface healing, this system offers deep life changing transformation which leads to actual joy, love, peace and truth – authentic and living our best selves.
It is my intention to support in facilitating clients into finding their own unique inner rhythm. The flower essences are a healing matrix that not only creates the bridge to heal and transform the whole self but also supports our ability to connect/reconnect to our outer world and facilitates a dynamic and enlivened journey on our unique path in life. We can live a dynamic fulfilling and engaging life when we find harmony and balance within body, mind, soul and spirit: the holistic makeup and wellbeing of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self we find the freedom to be in an enlivened engaging and joyful way.
It is my passion to support you on your healing journey in finding your unique authenticity, to transform and transcend, to grow and to thrive – In love joy peace and truth.
Welcome! We are so glad you are here. How can we support you on your journey of holistic healing and personal growth?