How To Select a First Light® Flower Essence For Yourself Or Another

“Intuition is for thinking what observation is for perception. Intuition and observation are the sources of our knowledge.” – Rudolf Steiner
When it comes to selecting the best First Light® flower essences to work with individually or in a blend for yourself or for another, you can engage a number of different methods.
While working with some methods may come more naturally for you, you can learn how to select First Light® flower essences in a variety of different ways that will allow you to expand and hone your ability to select the most appropriate holistic support for yourself, friends, family and clients with precision and confidence.
In the Aquarian Age, which is an information age, knowledge is a powerful resource which is why First Light® flower essences can be selected using logical and rational decision making, as well as using your intuition and feeling.
There is also a third way of selecting First Light® flower essences that involves directly knowing which flower essences are most suitable.
These three different ways of accessing information are symbolically represented by the three baskets of knowledge – Nga Kete o te Wananga.
These three baskets of knowledge are said to exist in every cell in our body and contain everything we need to live in complete harmony and balance.
OPTION 1: Left brain – logic and reason
The ‘left brain’ method for selecting First Light® flower essences uses systems, data and checklists to make an informed, logical and rationally based decision around what flower essences to use.
Using the interpretations of the First Light® flower essences No’s 1 – 84 in The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa Volume One or using our free First Light® Online Repertory or simply viewing the full range of First Light® flower essences on our website, you can select flower essences by:
- Their keywords or description in the book or on the website
- Category or essence family
- Identifying the issues or areas of concern through discussion, counselling or self-reflection
OPTION 2: Right brain – intuition and feeling
This method uses the subtle senses, sensitivity and intuitive processes. Using your natural intuitive abilities to select individual or combinations of First Light® flower essences, and honouring the process of tapping into intuition and feeling.
You can select essences by:
- Intuition and feeling
- Working with First Light® Flower Cards©
- Muscle testing/kinesiology
- Dowsing/using a pendulum
OPTION 3: Whole brain – direct knowing and inspiration
This method is a very sophisticated and inspired way to select First Light® flower essences as it works with the superconscious aspect of the mind.
Working in this way, you experience pure knowing or instant inspiration or understanding of what First Light® flower essences are needed. This method bypasses the logical mind, rational explanations or understanding, and is more than an intuitive feeling.
The whole brain method enables you to select First Light® flower essences with laser-like precision, while simultaneously honouring your intuition and knowledge.
There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way
There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way when it comes to selecting First Light® flower essences as each situation is unique.
Some situations may call for you to have an intellectual knowledge of the holistic healing attributes of the specific First Light® flower essences and knowledge of your own or the other person’s situation.
Other times you may find it more appropriate to use the First Light® Flower Cards or select the best First Light® flower essences for yourself or another person by intuition.
Yet another situation involves direct knowing of which First Light® flower essences are the best for the situation.
Whatever method or methods you use, staying open, flexible and receptive to the requirements of the situation is the best approach to assist you in finding the best First Light® flower essence or a combination of First Light® flower essences to work with for a holistic healing outcome for yourself or another.