Today is a perfect day to share some light… For a limited time only, we are giving away some ‘Joy’ and a little ‘Hope’ for you to enjoy with your next order.* So if you wish you could feel more optimistic or you’d like to tap into some hope, inspiration and luck – you can […]
Read MoreLast week we heard from a young woman who shared that her heightened sensitivity made being in busy places, and around other people, really draining and stressful. She found herself feeling so anxious about going out that she often chose to stay home instead, feeling safer and more at peace in her own space. If […]
Read MoreWhen was the last time you experienced unbridled joy and sheer delight at being alive? Was it as recent as today, or has it has been some time since you truly felt a sense of joy and lightness in your life? Joy is a quality that naturally radiates from your soul and is experienced when you […]
Read MoreDo you want to create greater abundance in your life? Would you like to increase your capacity to receive, and heighten your creative potential to manifest what you want in life? Cultivating abundance consciousness is more than just about money – it’s a state of being that aligns you with the life-giving, creative and regenerative […]
Read MoreDo you allow yourself the time and space you need to recharge and rest? Or, are you someone who struggles to say no to the needs of others at the expense of your own emotional and energetic wellbeing? Taking care of your emotional and energetic wellbeing is as important as looking after your physical health […]
Read MoreDo you struggle to see the beauty of who you are due to negative habitual patterns of self-judgement, self-criticism and not feeling good enough? The process of understanding and integrating the many facets of yourself – the ‘good’, the ‘bad’ and the ‘ugly’ – requires compassion, kindness and self-acceptance. This is often not an easy process as there […]
Read MoreAre your relationships with others generally joyful and positive or are they strained, stressful and challenging? Do you sometimes get thrown off balance when you are with certain people, losing your sense of self and forgetting who you are? Relationships come in all shapes and sizes – personal or professional, intimate or platonic. Relationships play […]
Read MoreDo you feel ready for an emotional ‘spring clean’? Are you ready to let go of self-sabotaging emotions and behaviours? Do you want to tap into deep levels of inner strength, courage and willpower to move your life forward in a new direction? Like the mythical phoenix bird that cyclically regenerates itself, burning itself to […]
Read MoreThe Greek philosopher, Heraclitus asserted that “Life is flux” meaning everything or all things change. That is, change is inevitable and cannot be avoided. It is the one thing that is guaranteed in life and will happen whether we want it to or not. How we respond to change will have a significant effect on […]
Read MoreIn an incredibly short amount of time the way that we live on this planet has changed in a way very few could have predicted. Living with uncertainty has become one of the few certainties we have. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “The only constant in life is change”. As we navigate the changes […]
Read MoreAmongst the relentless hustle and bustle of our modern lives, a timeless sanctuary exists. It is a refuge in nature’s embrace that the Japanese call ‘shinrin-yoku” – or “forest bathing.” This is no ordinary walk in the woods; it is a profound, multi-sensory communion with nature, a mindful experience that taps into our very essence, and […]
Read MoreAs 2023 hurtles towards a close, many people are finding themselves swept up in a whirlwind of end-of-year deadlines and holiday preparations! It is not uncommon to feel pressure mounting… The art of juggling tasks and expectations, making plans, organising and supporting loved ones – and gift shopping – can sometimes leave even the most resilient amongst us feeling […]
Read More2024 EXTENDS AN INVITATION FOR EACH ONE OF US TO EMBARK ON A ONE-OF-A- KIND, TRULY MAGICAL JOURNEY! This coming year, we will be presented with remarkable opportunities for healing, regeneration and empowerment like never before. It will be a year that has the promise of a profound shift in our collective consciousness and as […]
Read MoreFor many people, the holiday season brings joy, fun and festivities, but it can also usher in a myriad of emotions and challenges. And just like us, our animals can get swept up into the celebrations and be affected by the whirlwind of highs and lows at this time of year. From the excitement of […]
Read More“Intuition is for thinking what observation is for perception. Intuition and observation are the sources of our knowledge.” – Rudolf Steiner When it comes to selecting the best First Light® flower essences to work with individually or in a blend for yourself or for another, you can engage a number of different methods. While working with […]
Read MoreNo doubt you’ve heard the saying, “Seeing the world through rose tinted glasses” – often used to describe somebody seeing only the pleasant things in a situation. What many people don’t know What you may not know, is that many people wander through life unaware that they are perceiving and experiencing it, through their own […]
Read MoreI recently bumped into an acquaintance who has three school age children. She told them briefly about the complex emotional challenges she is facing with one her children being bullied at school. While my own children are well grown up, as a mother, I could totally relate to this mother’s concerns for her child’s emotional, mental, physical […]
Read MoreDNA is something we are born with and for most people it is hard to imagine that its integrity can be damaged or compromised. What could cause energetic distortions in our DNA? What are the consequences of that in our daily life? And most importantly, how can we take charge of the energetic integrity of […]
Read MoreIn a world that feels uncertain and unstable, we can stand strong and empowered! From this empowered place we can then more easily maintain wellbeing in our own lives and in so doing be able to assist others to do the same. To be able to more easily stand in our power we need to […]
Read MoreDo you find that it doesn’t take much these days to throw you off balance? Are you noticing that people around you are feeling unsteady or wobbly and struggling to find a point of stability? It is totally understandable – so many people are finding it challenging to meet the demands of daily life when […]
Read MoreFrom ancient to modern times an awareness of the human soul has been an integral part of humankind’s history. For aeons, core essential elements of the soul’s epic and heroic journey have been portrayed in the myths, fables, children’s fairy stories, folk tales and songs. The powerful wisdom embedded within the stories of the soul […]
Read MoreHave you ever had the sense that you are here to make a difference in the world? That if you tapped into your unique talents and gifts, and shared them with others, the world could be a better place…. Yet, in the noisy whirlwind of modern life, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and, undervalued […]
Read MoreFlower essences are becoming more and more popular, and whilst you may be seeing incredible results from working with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®, you may also be curious as to how this sacred plant ‘medicine’ is made and how it actually works… Today we uncover some of their hidden wonders…and we share […]
Read MoreA wonderful question arrived in our inbox recently, ‘ Can First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® support our pets and other animals?’ The answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’ Animals are very responsive to First Light® flower essences. You can actually work with the essences in the same way as you do with people and can use […]
Read MoreWelcome! We are so glad you are here. How can we support you on your journey of holistic healing and personal growth?