Plant Profile: First Light® No 23 Lacebark – Fearlessness

First Light® No 23 Lacebark Deva’s Blessing
“I bring the gift of fearlessness. Captain of your Soul – rightfully steering your vessel through the tempest of life. Through me you are steady, rising above the waves of excess – brought safely back to shore.”
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, Founder and Creator
Lacebark is a fast growing shrub or small tree that grows freely in lowland forests throughout the North Island of New Zealand. Clusters of sweetly scented white star-like flowers appear from January through March. The lace-like inner bark has been used for fine, decorative weaving – kete, headbands, trim on hats and cloaks. The bark was sometimes twisted and plaited into ropes.
First Light® No 23 Lacebark flower essence is helpful for those who experience overwhelming apprehension about loosing mental control or breaking down. These people fear losing mental control or emotional control. This leads to a constant build-up of mental or emotional tension and isolated extreme emotional states.
Indicators for use: Overwhelming apprehension about breakdown, losing mental control, coping mechanisms overloaded, periodic attacks of extreme emotion, sudden outbreaks of temper and bullying tendencies.
Also helpful for:
- Exaggerated emotional responses
- Outbursts of anger or rage
- Feelings or thoughts of desperation
- Feeling at breaking point
- False unhealthy demonstrations of power
- Unable to resist temptation
- Tantrums
- Fearlessness
- Openness
- Composure
- Seeing beneath the surface
- Deep levels of sharing and intimacy
- Great reserves of inner resourcefulness, courage or strength
- Able to express one’s deeper feelings easily
Latin Name: Hoheria populnea
Maori Name: Houhere
Common Name: Ribbonwood
Archetype: The Psychologist
How to use: Place 3 drops on the tongue or add to a glass of water. Repeat 3-4 times daily or as required.