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Plant Profile: First Light® No 84 Kawakawa – Faith

First Light® No 84 Kawakawa Deva’s Blessing

I offer you the mantle of faith. Through me you reach for the impossible – believing in your zenith. Knowing no limitation, a Child of Light a Master of All.”

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, Founder and Creator

Kawakawa is a well-known New Zealand native plant that has large shiny aromatic heart-shaped leaves. It can often be found in the native bush throughout the North Island and the upper part of the South Island. Often Kawakawa leaves are covered in holes caused by caterpillars. The name Kawakawa comes from the Māori language and refers to the bitter taste of the leaves. Kawakawa is also known as the pepper tree and is traditionally used for food flavouring and as a herbal tea.

No 84 Kawakawa plant essence is helpful for those who feel stuck in a comfort zone, have fear of the unknown or have lost the sense of adventure. It helps to move beyond a jaded approach and regain a sense of excitement and anticipation in life. It supports one to live as a free spirit and to embody the experience of true freedom.

Indicators for use: 

  • Fear of the uknown
  • Feeling stuck and worn out
  • Taking foolish risks
  • Blind faith
  • Recklessness
  • Naïve attitude to life
  • Irresponsible or unrealistic approach to life situations
  • Needs to constantly anticipate the next experience


  • Courage
  • Enthusiasm
  • Moves forward fearlessly
  • Joy, love and openness to life
  • Ready to take a leap of faith
  • Open to new experiences
  • Able to be in the moment
  • Ready for the next adventure
  • Believes one can do the impossible
  • Embraces new beginnings with a sense of optimism

Latin NameMacropiper excelsum

Common NamePepper Tree

Soul Lesson: Moving in faith into deeper levels of the unknown

How to use: Place 3 drops on the tongue or add to a glass of water. Repeat 3-4 times daily or as required.

Order First Light® No 84 Kawakawa here

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