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A Lifelong Road Map For The Soul

From ancient to modern times an awareness of the human soul has been an integral part of humankind’s history.

For aeons, core essential elements of the soul’s epic and heroic journey have been portrayed in the myths, fables, children’s fairy stories, folk tales and songs. The powerful wisdom embedded within the stories of the soul and its inspirational journey of successfully overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges and obstacles have transcended the limitations of time, creed or race.

Slaying the ‘inner dragons’

The journey of the soul is the  story of meeting and overcoming the obstacles, trials, tribulations, tests and challenges that are met on the journey from birth through life to death and to life again.

It is the story of facing our fears, of accepting the invitation of life, embracing the adventures, slaying the ‘inner dragons’ and passing through initiations and rites of passage in order to find the treasure and ‘discover the gold’ within.


A call to adventure

The hero’s journey of the soul is encapsulated and comprehensively represented in the First Light® Medicine Wheel© that I created.

The First Light® Medicine Wheel© is a means for us to intelligently understand that life is a call to adventure… that each one of us is really a heroic divine being who has the ability to go out and achieve great deeds on behalf of ourselves, the family, group, tribe, society and world that we are part of.

By consciously traversing the First Light® Medicine Wheel© we can:

  • Empower ourselves on our own personal holistic healing journey
  • Enhance and accelerate our spiritual growth
  • Move beyond repeating negative and karmic cycles
  • Become more deeply connected with our soul
  • Discover and fulfil our true purpose for being here

A lifelong roadmap for the soul

The First Light® Medicine Wheel© gives us a lifelong road map and explains the tools and allies necessary for success on our heroic quest.

The map that is the First Light® Medicine Wheel© enables us to be more consciously aware when it comes to selecting the experiences and developing the qualities the soul needs to be successful on its evolutionary journey.

A pathway to cosmic truth, peace and harmony

The First Light® Medicine Wheel© is the great wheel of light. We progress around this star medicine wheel on our soul’s evolutionary journey towards greater levels of light, cosmic enlightenment and ultimately reconnection with our own divinity or essence. It contains everything known and unknown in the greater cosmos.

It is the pathway to cosmic truth, peace and harmony. It is a road leading to evolutionary and spiritual perfection as well as to true magical power.

Each of the four quadrants of the First Light® Medicine Wheel© correlate to the stages of the evolutionary journey of human development. Each quadrant is directly associated with particular families of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® that facilitate, support and help accelerate the progress through each of the four stages of evolution. 



The objective of the first quadrant is our own personal holistic healing and growth.

The focus is on transformation at the first five levels of our holistic being: the personality, aura, chakras, DNA and soul. The inner work we need to undertake in this quadrant is facilitated, supported and enhanced by the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flowerferntreeseed and plant essences No’s 1 to 84.

These essences help us to:

  • Stop being controlled by changing moods, attitudes and emotion of our personality patterns
  • Release the traumas of the past
  • Clear blocks and limiting DNA patterns
  • Overcome anxieties and deep seated fears

As a result we become less reactive, less fearful, less stuck in our ways and our default settings. We become more responsive, positive, feel empowered and able to meet and successfully overcome life’s challenges.



In the second quadrant the emphasis moves from ourselves and our own pain to being aware of other souls and their pain, and how we can help. We want to know why we are here, what our purpose is and how to fulfil it.

The focus is on building our own soul attributes, skills and abilities to be able to assist others. The inner work we need to undertake in this quadrant is facilitated, supported and enhanced by the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® healers and shamanic essences Nos 85 to 120.

These essences help us to:

  • Break free of people or situations that are counterproductive to our soul growth
  • Move beyond repeating soul patterns that we have outgrown
  • Connect with the deeper aspects of ourselves, our soul
  • Find our purpose and fulfil our destiny

The steps for undertaking this inner work with its associated rites of passage and initiations are laid out in the Medicine Woman Certificate in Healers Studies© and Medicine Woman Certificate in Shamanic Studies© online programs.



In the third quadrant we seek a more spiritualising universal approach to life and others. We seek to make a difference in the world through working together with others out in the world. We take an active and constructive stand for a common goal or purpose.

The inner work we need to undertake in this quadrant is facilitated, supported and enhanced by the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® orchidfern ally and sacred mountain grass essences No’s 121 to 144.

These essences help us to:

  • Break free from spiritual self-delusion, grandiosity and self-deception
  • Know what we are here to learn at a spiritual level and grow as a spirit
  • Stop shrinking away from negativity, instead be able to use the negative situations to shine more brightly and take things to a new and higher level
  • Actively work to see the bigger picture and have a true sense of reality
  • Not be controlled by the need to comply or conform to the expectations of others
  • See beyond the limitations of the personality and soul

The steps for undertaking this inner work with its associated rites of passage and initiations are laid out in the Medicine Woman Rite of the Six Moons© and Medicine Woman Certificate in Advanced Shamanic Studies© online programs.



In the fourth quadrant we begin to close the gap between ourselves and the cosmos and anchor cosmic light into our being. We then become an integral part of a matrix of light in the world and across the planet. In this way we are a ‘light in the darkness’ and our presence is then an invitation for others to seek the greater light.

The focus is on attaining self-mastery, to free ourselves from any influence of mass consciousness, linear time and material constraints. Here we discover and learn what we need to sacrifice in order to fulfil our destiny. The inner work we need to undertake in this quadrant is facilitated, supported and enhanced by the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® sedgerushmossforest, and temple essences Nos 145 to 184.

These essences help us to:

  • Be able to function effectively on the physical plane
  • Be consciously aware that we are an embodiment of light
  • Be willing to sacrifice whatever is necessary in order to destroy the false ego
  • Live totally in the moment and fully present in the ‘eternal now’
  • Experience the pure awareness that comes from being in the now
  • Experience the reality of the moment and see the interconnectedness of all things



In the centre of the wheel we learn to identify with ourselves as a divine being. We seek to anchor divine light into our being. We then have the potential to be the embodiment of the divinity within. This enables us to work magically by becoming the alchemist magician who is an active participant in the co-creation of a better world.

At the centre of the wheel we celebrate, honour and uphold our standing place as the creator/creatrix and link into the goddess and god within. The inner work we need to undertake in this quadrant is facilitated, supported and enhanced by the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 0 Black Orchid.

These essences help us to:

  • Experience of complete identification with the limitless light of our divine self
  • View the world through the magic of divine light and through the eyes of the divine self
  • Actively take part in the co-creation of a better world

Enhance your evolutionary growth

If you want to learn more about the First Light® Medicine Wheel© and how you can use First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No’s 1-84 to support and enhance your evolutionary growth, you can find in-depth information in The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa Volume One, Second Edition.

PS: The teachings on undertaking the transformative inner work associated with the First Quadrant of the First Light® Medicine Wheel© are provided in the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® courses: 

PPS: The steps for undertaking the powerful inner work associated with the Second and Third Quadrants of the First Light® Medicine Wheel© are laid out in the Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® programs for lightworkershealersshamans and master shamans. Students in these programs work with the First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No’s 85-144 as teacher plants to be able to acquire, develop and master specific soul skills and spiritual powers.

 The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa Volume One

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber


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